Friday, August 29, 2014

Internet Marketing 2014

The Internet has drastically altered the way in which information is shared, and has had a profound impact on marketing. Where are we headed in 2014? Let’s take a sneak peak at the way online marketing strategies are set to change in the current year.

 Content marketing is the solution: As the customer becomes more aware, the right content educating and entertaining customers about relevant products and services on the channels being utilized as Face book, twitter, Instagram going to be the winner. Marketing to the masses through techniques like television ads and radio ads are becoming less effective.

Minimalist Approach: We have been bombarded with tons of information: the problem these days is not dearth but overload of information. If we are able to put the marketing message in a concise yet simple form, the customer will inadvertently follow. Pinterest is a true example of the minimalist aesthetic design.

Make content mobile friendly: With the prediction that 87% of sales is going to happen through mobile devices, companies which do not use mobile friendly marketing strategies whether it is through responsive web design or other channels, we are soon to be going out of business.

Reinvention of Advertisement: This is a marketing strategy that has really caught on recently. It works by utilizing browser cookies to track the websites that users visit. Once they leave a certain site, the products or services they viewed will be shown to them again in advertisements across different websites. With only 2% of web traffic converting on the first visit, ad retargeting works to increase the overall conversion rate by reminding consumers of the product or service they viewed. This keeps the brand and the product at the top of the consumer’s mind. Studies show that simple exposure to brand names and logos creates familiarity, which builds trust and makes consumers more likely to make a purchase.

Social Media as a tool for SEO: Since the goal of Google and other search engines is to provide users with the most relevant and highest quality content possible, it is sensible why they would factor in the number of social shares that a blog post, article or product page receives. The more people that are sharing a piece of content, the higher quality it are likely to be, and therefore its position should increase within the search engine results pages.

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